synopsis: INT add(OP a,b,c)
adds the objects a and b and the result is c It also works with a,b,c not different. First there is a check whether a or b is an empty object, if yes the second one is copied to the first one, and the routine finishes. Then the result object c is freed. Then there is a call to the specific add routine for the entered objects. It work for the following kinds: MONOPOLY, CYCLOTOMIC, SQ_RADICAL, GEN_CHAR, INTEGER, PARTITION, GRAL, POLYNOM, MONOM, VECTOR, SCHUR, LONGINT, MATRIX, KRANZTYPUS, HOM_SYM, SCHUBERT, SYMCHAR, BRUCH, REIHE, FINITEFIELDreturn:
OK or ERRORbugs:
not all possible combinations are implemented If you enter for example add(a,a,a) with a a POLYNOM object, there is first a copy then an addition, even if a merge would be faster. In this case you should use add_apply
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