synopsis: INT fprint(FILE *fp, OP a)
prints the entered object a to the file pointed to by fp. This works for the following kind of objects: AUG_PART, BINTREE, BRUCH, GEN_CHAR, GRAPH, INTEGER, HOM_SYM, PARTITION, GRAL, MONOPOLY, POLYNOM, SCHUBERT, SCHUR, LIST, LONGINT, MATRIX, KOSTKA, KRANZTYPUS, MONOM, PERMUTATION, SKEWPARTITION, SYMCHAR TABLEAUX, COMP, WORD, VECTOR, SQ_RADICAL, CYCLOTOMIC If you print to stdout there is a global variable INT zeilenposition, which is updated to do line breaks after about 70 chars printed to stdout.return:
OK or ERRORbugs:
Sometimes the output is not easy to unterstand, there is no difference between a VECTOR object with INTEGER objects and a PERMUTATION object.
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