synopsis: INT kostka_tab(OP shape, content, result)
computes the list of tableaux of given shape and content. shape is a PARTITION object or a SKEWPARTITION object and content is a PARTITION object or a VECTOR object with INTEGER entries, the result becomes a LIST object whose entries are the computed TABLEAUX object.bug:
content should also be allowed to be a VECTOR object of INTEGERS. call to kostka_number and kostka_tab have different syntaxreturn:
OK or ERRORexample:
look at the following example, which computes all tableaux of given shape and content, stores them in a file and reads this back from the file, and prints them #include "def.h" #include "macro.h" main() { OP a,b,c,d; FILE *fp1,*fp2; anfang(); a=callocobject(); b=callocobject(); c=callocobject(); d=callocobject(); fp1=fopen("xxx","w"); scan(PARTITION,a); scan(PARTITION,d); kostka_tab(a,d,b); objectwrite(fp1,b);fclose(fp1); fp2=fopen("xxx","r"); objectread(fp2,c); println(c); freeall(a); freeall(b); freeall(c); freeall(d); ende(); }
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