synopsis: INT m_gl_next(OP a,b,c)
computes the next element in the corresponding group a ist the group label, b is a element, and c becomes the next one. If b is already the last one the return value is FALSE, else it is TRUE. b and c may be the same object.example:
computes the number of elements in a alternating group, using the above routines: #include "def.h" #include "macro.h" main() { OP a,b,c,d; anfang(); a=callocobject(); b=callocobject(); c=callocobject(); d=callocobject(); scan(INTEGER,a); m_gl_alt(a,b); m_gl_first(b,c); println(c); m_i_i(1L,d); while( m_gl_next(b,c,c) ) inc(d); println(d); println(c); freeall(a); freeall(b); freeall(c); freeall(d); ende(); }
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