synopsis: INT tex(OP a)
gives an output in tex-readible form. It works for the following types of objects: BRUCH CYCLOTOMIC GRAL INTEGER KOSTKA LIST LONGINT MATRIX MONOM MONOPOLY PARTITION PERMUTATION POLYNOM SCHUBERT SCHUR SQ_RADICAL SYMCHAR TABLEAUX VECTOR The position in the file of the texoutput is updated using a global variable INT texposition.changes:
in version 1.1 it prints the TeX-output to stdout, now in version 1.2+ it prints to texout, which is in the default case stdout, but may be changed by the user.bugs:
does not work for all types there are too many switches between math mode and no math mode. LaTeX output would also be good.example:
#include "def.h" #include "macro.h" main() { OP a; anfang(); a=callocobject(); texout = fopen("klo","w"); scan(BRUCH,a); tex(a); freeall(a); ende(); } and the output will be written to the file klo.
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