t designs with small t, id ge 15500
# 15500: 7-(32,16,948750)
- clan: 13-(32,16,450), 6 times reduced t
- Alltop construction for design 6-(31,15,948750) (# 15493)
- clan: 13-(32,16,450), 4 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(29,15,379500) (# 15496)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,15,437690) (# 15497)
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 4 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(29,15,379500) (# 15496)
- residual design of 6-(29,15,437690) (# 15497)
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 7 times reduced t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(31,15,1094225) (# 15498)
- supplementary design of 7-(32,16,948750) (# 15500) with respect to smaller t
- design 7-(32,16,1094225) (# 15504) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(31,16,1750760) (# 15508) : der= 6-(31,15,1094225) and res= 6-(31,16,1750760) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 6 times reduced t
- Alltop construction for design 6-(31,15,1094225) (# 15498)
- clan: 13-(32,16,450), 7 times reduced t, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(32,16,2466750) (# 15499)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(32,16,2844985) (# 15503)
- design 6-(31,16,1518000) (# 15507) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(31,16,1750760) (# 15508) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,16,2070000) (# 15509) : der= 5-(30,15,1518000) and res= 5-(30,16,2070000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 7 times reduced t, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(32,16,2466750) (# 15499)
- residual design of 6-(32,16,2844985) (# 15503)
- supplementary design of 6-(31,16,1518000) (# 15507) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(31,16,1750760) (# 15508) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,16,2387400) (# 15510) : der= 5-(30,15,1750760) and res= 5-(30,16,2387400) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,450), 6 times reduced t, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(32,16,948750) (# 15500)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(32,16,1094225) (# 15504)
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 6 times reduced t, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(32,16,948750) (# 15500)
- residual design of 7-(32,16,1094225) (# 15504)
- clan: 13-(32,16,450), 6 times reduced t, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(31,16,1518000) (# 15507)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(31,16,1750760) (# 15508)
- clan: 13-(32,16,519), 6 times reduced t, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(31,16,1518000) (# 15507)
- residual design of 6-(31,16,1750760) (# 15508)
- clan: 13-(32,16,474), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$ 33 isomorphism types
- clan: 13-(32,16,474), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(28,13,26544) (# 15511) : der= 7-(28,13,26544) and res= 7-(28,14,56880) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515) : der= 6-(27,13,23040) and res= 6-(27,14,40320) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516) : der= 6-(27,13,23040) and res= 6-(27,14,40320) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532)
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518) : der= 6-(27,13,93240) and res= 6-(27,14,163170) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519) : der= 6-(27,13,93240) and res= 6-(27,14,163170) - the given design is the residual.
- design 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513)
- derived from 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,23040) (# 15513)
- residual design of 7-(28,14,93240) (# 15532)
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,63360) (# 15521)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,63360) (# 15521) : der= 5-(27,13,63360) and res= 5-(27,14,98560) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,98560) (# 15522) : der= 5-(27,13,63360) and res= 5-(27,14,98560) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514)
- design 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,23040) (# 15526) : der= 5-(26,12,23040) and res= 5-(26,13,40320) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,40320) (# 15527) : der= 5-(26,12,23040) and res= 5-(26,13,40320) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514)
- design 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,40320) (# 15527) : der= 5-(26,13,40320) and res= 5-(26,14,58240) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,58240) (# 15530) : der= 5-(26,13,40320) and res= 5-(26,14,58240) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,256410) (# 15524)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,256410) (# 15524) : der= 5-(27,13,256410) and res= 5-(27,14,398860) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,398860) (# 15525) : der= 5-(27,13,256410) and res= 5-(27,14,398860) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517)
- design 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,93240) (# 15528) : der= 5-(26,12,93240) and res= 5-(26,13,163170) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,163170) (# 15529) : der= 5-(26,12,93240) and res= 5-(26,13,163170) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,63360) (# 15514)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(28,14,256410) (# 15517)
- design 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,163170) (# 15529) : der= 5-(26,13,163170) and res= 5-(26,14,235690) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,235690) (# 15531) : der= 5-(26,13,163170) and res= 5-(26,14,235690) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- derived from 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- derived from 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,23040) (# 15515)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516)
- residual design of 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- derived from 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519)
- clan: 13-(32,16,192), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,40320) (# 15516)
- residual design of 6-(27,14,163170) (# 15519)
- clan: 13-(32,16,777), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,93240) (# 15518)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535) : der= 6-(27,13,30240) and res= 6-(27,14,52920) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536) : der= 6-(27,13,30240) and res= 6-(27,14,52920) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538) : der= 6-(27,13,86040) and res= 6-(27,14,150570) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539) : der= 6-(27,13,86040) and res= 6-(27,14,150570) - the given design is the residual.
- design 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533)
- derived from 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,30240) (# 15533)
- residual design of 7-(28,14,86040) (# 15552)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,83160) (# 15541)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,83160) (# 15541) : der= 5-(27,13,83160) and res= 5-(27,14,129360) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,129360) (# 15542) : der= 5-(27,13,83160) and res= 5-(27,14,129360) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534)
- design 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,30240) (# 15546) : der= 5-(26,12,30240) and res= 5-(26,13,52920) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,52920) (# 15547) : der= 5-(26,12,30240) and res= 5-(26,13,52920) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534)
- design 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,52920) (# 15547) : der= 5-(26,13,52920) and res= 5-(26,14,76440) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,76440) (# 15550) : der= 5-(26,13,52920) and res= 5-(26,14,76440) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,236610) (# 15544)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,236610) (# 15544) : der= 5-(27,13,236610) and res= 5-(27,14,368060) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,368060) (# 15545) : der= 5-(27,13,236610) and res= 5-(27,14,368060) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537)
- design 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,86040) (# 15548) : der= 5-(26,12,86040) and res= 5-(26,13,150570) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,150570) (# 15549) : der= 5-(26,12,86040) and res= 5-(26,13,150570) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,83160) (# 15534)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(28,14,236610) (# 15537)
- design 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,150570) (# 15549) : der= 5-(26,13,150570) and res= 5-(26,14,217490) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,217490) (# 15551) : der= 5-(26,13,150570) and res= 5-(26,14,217490) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- derived from 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- derived from 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,30240) (# 15535)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536)
- residual design of 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- derived from 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539)
- clan: 13-(32,16,252), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,52920) (# 15536)
- residual design of 6-(27,14,150570) (# 15539)
- clan: 13-(32,16,717), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,86040) (# 15538)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555) : der= 6-(27,13,32760) and res= 6-(27,14,57330) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556) : der= 6-(27,13,32760) and res= 6-(27,14,57330) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558) : der= 6-(27,13,83520) and res= 6-(27,14,146160) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559) : der= 6-(27,13,83520) and res= 6-(27,14,146160) - the given design is the residual.
- design 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553)
- derived from 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,32760) (# 15553)
- residual design of 7-(28,14,83520) (# 15572)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,90090) (# 15561)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,90090) (# 15561) : der= 5-(27,13,90090) and res= 5-(27,14,140140) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,140140) (# 15562) : der= 5-(27,13,90090) and res= 5-(27,14,140140) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554)
- design 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,32760) (# 15566) : der= 5-(26,12,32760) and res= 5-(26,13,57330) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,57330) (# 15567) : der= 5-(26,12,32760) and res= 5-(26,13,57330) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554)
- design 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,57330) (# 15567) : der= 5-(26,13,57330) and res= 5-(26,14,82810) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,82810) (# 15570) : der= 5-(26,13,57330) and res= 5-(26,14,82810) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,229680) (# 15564)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,229680) (# 15564) : der= 5-(27,13,229680) and res= 5-(27,14,357280) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,357280) (# 15565) : der= 5-(27,13,229680) and res= 5-(27,14,357280) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557)
- design 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,83520) (# 15568) : der= 5-(26,12,83520) and res= 5-(26,13,146160) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,146160) (# 15569) : der= 5-(26,12,83520) and res= 5-(26,13,146160) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,90090) (# 15554)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(28,14,229680) (# 15557)
- design 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,146160) (# 15569) : der= 5-(26,13,146160) and res= 5-(26,14,211120) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,211120) (# 15571) : der= 5-(26,13,146160) and res= 5-(26,14,211120) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- derived from 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- derived from 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,32760) (# 15555)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556)
- residual design of 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- derived from 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559)
- clan: 13-(32,16,273), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,57330) (# 15556)
- residual design of 6-(27,14,146160) (# 15559)
- clan: 13-(32,16,696), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,83520) (# 15558)
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575)
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575) : der= 6-(27,13,35280) and res= 6-(27,14,61740) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576) : der= 6-(27,13,35280) and res= 6-(27,14,61740) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588)
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578) : der= 6-(27,13,81000) and res= 6-(27,14,141750) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579) : der= 6-(27,13,81000) and res= 6-(27,14,141750) - the given design is the residual.
- design 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573)
- derived from 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(28,14,35280) (# 15573)
- residual design of 7-(28,14,81000) (# 15588)
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(28,14,97020) (# 15574)
- design 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,222750) (# 15577)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,89180) (# 15586) : der= 5-(26,13,61740) and res= 5-(26,14,89180) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(28,14,97020) (# 15574) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(28,14,222750) (# 15577) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(27,13,222750) (# 15582)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,13,222750) (# 15582) : der= 5-(27,13,222750) and res= 5-(27,14,346500) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,14,346500) (# 15583) : der= 5-(27,13,222750) and res= 5-(27,14,346500) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(28,14,97020) (# 15574)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(28,14,222750) (# 15577)
- design 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,12,81000) (# 15584) : der= 5-(26,12,81000) and res= 5-(26,13,141750) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,13,141750) (# 15585) : der= 5-(26,12,81000) and res= 5-(26,13,141750) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(28,14,97020) (# 15574)
- supplementary design of 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(28,14,222750) (# 15577)
- design 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,13,141750) (# 15585) : der= 5-(26,13,141750) and res= 5-(26,14,204750) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,14,204750) (# 15587) : der= 5-(26,13,141750) and res= 5-(26,14,204750) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575)
- derived from 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,13,35280) (# 15575)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576)
- residual design of 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578)
- derived from 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579)
- clan: 13-(32,16,294), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,14,61740) (# 15576)
- residual design of 6-(27,14,141750) (# 15579)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,81000) (# 15578)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 3 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,12,81000) (# 15584) : der= 5-(26,11,37800) and res= 5-(26,12,81000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 4 times reduced t, 4 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,12,118800) (# 15589) : der= 5-(27,11,51975) and res= 5-(27,12,118800) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,12,118800) (# 15589) : der= 5-(27,12,118800) and res= 5-(27,13,222750) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 5 times reduced t, 3 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,12,170775) (# 15590) : der= 5-(28,12,170775) and res= 5-(28,13,341550) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,13,341550) (# 15591) : der= 5-(28,12,170775) and res= 5-(28,13,341550) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,341550) (# 15591) : der= 5-(28,13,341550) and res= 5-(28,14,569250) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 6 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(29,13,512325) (# 15592) : der= 5-(29,13,512325) and res= 5-(29,14,910800) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,14,910800) (# 15593) : der= 5-(29,13,512325) and res= 5-(29,14,910800) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(29,14,910800) (# 15593)
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,1423125) (# 15594) : der= 5-(30,14,1423125) and res= 5-(30,15,2277000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,2277000) (# 15595) : der= 5-(30,14,1423125) and res= 5-(30,15,2277000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,675), 8 times reduced t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,3700125) (# 15596)
- clan: 13-(32,16,297), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- $Sp(6,2)$
- Alltop construction for design 6-(27,13,35640) (# 15600)
- clan: 13-(32,16,297), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 7-(28,14,35640) (# 15598) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(27,13,35640) (# 15600)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(27,13,35640) (# 15600) : der= 6-(27,13,35640) and res= 6-(27,14,62370) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(27,14,62370) (# 15601) : der= 6-(27,13,35640) and res= 6-(27,14,62370) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(28,14,80640) (# 15609) with respect to smaller t
created: Fri Oct 23 11:14:02 CEST 2009