t designs with small t, id ge 17800
# 17800: 6-(25,14,54522)
- clan: 13-(32,16,699), 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,14,14040) (# 17793)
- residual design of 7-(26,14,36348) (# 17794)
- clan: 13-(32,16,270), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(29,13,20790) (# 17796) : der= 7-(29,13,20790) and res= 7-(29,14,47520) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,270), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,14,21060) (# 17799)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,54522) (# 17800)
- clan: 13-(32,16,699), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,21060) (# 17799)
- residual design of 6-(25,14,54522) (# 17800)
- clan: 13-(32,16,270), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(30,14,68310) (# 17801) : der= 7-(30,14,68310) and res= 7-(30,15,136620) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- $ASL(3,3)$ $\ge 200000000$ isomorphism types
- derived from 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810)
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- design 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807) : der= 7-(26,12,4608) and res= 7-(26,13,10752) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808) : der= 7-(26,12,4608) and res= 7-(26,13,10752) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 8-(28,14,15360) (# 17809)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(28,14,23400) (# 17826)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- Alltop construction for design 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818)
- derived from 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825)
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- design 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825) : der= 8-(27,13,4608) and res= 8-(27,14,10752) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840) with respect to smaller t
- red 9-(28,14,4608) ($\ge 1.6\times 10^{16}$ isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 8-(28,14,15360) (# 17809)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(26,12,7020) (# 17812) : der= 7-(26,12,7020) and res= 7-(26,13,16380) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813) : der= 7-(26,12,7020) and res= 7-(26,13,16380) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 8-(28,14,23400) (# 17826)
- design 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- derived from 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,13,4608) (# 17805)
- Alltop construction for design 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825)
- residual design of 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- derived from 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(27,13,15360) (# 17806)
- design 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 7-(27,13,23400) (# 17811)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,12,7020) (# 17812) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818) : der= 6-(25,11,4608) and res= 6-(25,12,10752) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of 7-(27,12,6144) (# 17820)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(27,13,15360) (# 17806)
- design 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,13,23400) (# 17811)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818) : der= 6-(25,12,10752) and res= 6-(25,13,19968) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821) : der= 6-(25,12,10752) and res= 6-(25,13,19968) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 7-(27,14,30720) (# 17823)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(27,14,46800) (# 17824)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(27,13,15360) (# 17806)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 7-(27,13,23400) (# 17811)
- design 7-(26,12,7020) (# 17812) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819) : der= 6-(25,11,7020) and res= 6-(25,12,16380) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,12,6144) (# 17820)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,13,15360) (# 17806)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 7-(27,13,23400) (# 17811)
- design 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819) : der= 6-(25,12,16380) and res= 6-(25,13,30420) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822) : der= 6-(25,12,16380) and res= 6-(25,13,30420) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from supplementary of 7-(27,14,30720) (# 17823)
- derived from 7-(27,14,46800) (# 17824)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 4 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807)
- derived from 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,12,7020) (# 17812)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 4 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808)
- residual design of 7-(26,12,7020) (# 17812)
- derived from 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,12,4608) (# 17807) : der= 7-(26,11,1536) and res= 7-(26,12,4608) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813)
- derived from 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,13,10752) (# 17808)
- residual design of 7-(26,13,16380) (# 17813)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838)
- derived from 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 8-(28,14,15360) (# 17809)
- design 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,23400) (# 17826)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838) : der= 7-(26,13,10752) and res= 7-(26,14,19968) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,15360) (# 17809)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 8-(28,14,23400) (# 17826)
- design 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839) : der= 7-(26,13,16380) and res= 7-(26,14,30420) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810)
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827) : der= 8-(27,13,7020) and res= 8-(27,14,16380) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828) : der= 8-(27,13,7020) and res= 8-(27,14,16380) - the given design is the residual.
- design 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810)
- derived from 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,4608) (# 17810)
- residual design of 9-(28,14,7020) (# 17840)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,12,15360) (# 17814)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,13,30720) (# 17815)
- residual design of 6-(26,12,23400) (# 17816)
- derived from 6-(26,13,46800) (# 17817)
- supplementary design of 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,12,30420) (# 17832) : der= 5-(24,11,16380) and res= 5-(24,12,30420) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 6-(26,13,30720) (# 17815)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,13,46800) (# 17817)
- design 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,13,29952) (# 17834) : der= 5-(24,12,19968) and res= 5-(24,13,29952) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(26,14,49920) (# 17836)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,14,76050) (# 17837)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,13,30720) (# 17815)
- residual design of 6-(26,13,46800) (# 17817)
- supplementary design of 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,12,30420) (# 17832) : der= 5-(24,12,30420) and res= 5-(24,13,45630) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,13,45630) (# 17835) : der= 5-(24,12,30420) and res= 5-(24,13,45630) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,14,49920) (# 17836)
- derived from 6-(26,14,76050) (# 17837)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 4 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,12,10752) (# 17818)
- residual design of 6-(25,12,16380) (# 17819)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821)
- derived from 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(27,12,6144) (# 17820) : der= 7-(27,11,1920) and res= 7-(27,12,6144) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 3 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822)
- derived from 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 3 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,13,19968) (# 17821)
- residual design of 6-(25,13,30420) (# 17822)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844)
- derived from 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 7-(27,14,30720) (# 17823)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,14,46800) (# 17824)
- design 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844) : der= 6-(25,13,19968) and res= 6-(25,14,29952) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,14,30720) (# 17823)
- residual design of 7-(27,14,46800) (# 17824)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838) with respect to smaller t
- design 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845) : der= 6-(25,13,30420) and res= 6-(25,14,45630) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825)
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,14,10752) (# 17825)
- residual design of 8-(27,14,16380) (# 17828)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 8-(27,13,7020) (# 17827)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(28,12,8064) (# 17833) : der= 7-(28,12,8064) and res= 7-(28,13,21504) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 6-(26,14,49920) (# 17836)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,14,76050) (# 17837)
- design 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,14,36608) (# 17847) : der= 5-(24,13,29952) and res= 5-(24,14,36608) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,14,49920) (# 17836)
- residual design of 6-(26,14,76050) (# 17837)
- supplementary design of 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,14,55770) (# 17848) : der= 5-(24,13,45630) and res= 5-(24,14,55770) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,14,19968) (# 17838)
- residual design of 7-(26,14,30420) (# 17839)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(29,13,29568) (# 17841) : der= 7-(29,13,29568) and res= 7-(29,14,67584) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845)
- clan: 13-(32,16,585), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,29952) (# 17844)
- residual design of 6-(25,14,45630) (# 17845)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(30,14,97152) (# 17846) : der= 7-(30,14,97152) and res= 7-(30,15,194304) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- $ASL(3,3)$
- derived from 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854)
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- Alltop construction for design 6-(25,12,11844) (# 17859)
- derived from 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866)
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- design 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866) : der= 8-(27,13,5076) and res= 8-(27,14,11844) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880) with respect to smaller t
- red 9-(28,14,5076) ($\ge 1.6\times 10^{16}$ isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 8-(28,14,16920) (# 17853)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(26,12,6552) (# 17856) : der= 7-(26,12,6552) and res= 7-(26,13,15288) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,13,15288) (# 17857) : der= 7-(26,12,6552) and res= 7-(26,13,15288) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 8-(28,14,21840) (# 17867)
- design 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- derived from 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 3 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,13,5076) (# 17850)
- Alltop construction for design 6-(25,12,15288) (# 17861)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866)
- residual design of 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- derived from 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 5 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 7-(26,12,5076) (# 17851)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,12,6552) (# 17856)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 4 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,12,5076) (# 17851)
- derived from 7-(26,13,11844) (# 17852)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,12,6552) (# 17856)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,13,15288) (# 17857)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 5 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,12,5076) (# 17851)
- derived from 7-(26,12,6552) (# 17856)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 4 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,12,5076) (# 17851)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,13,11844) (# 17852)
- residual design of 7-(26,12,6552) (# 17856)
- derived from 7-(26,13,15288) (# 17857)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,13,11844) (# 17852)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,13,15288) (# 17857)
- derived from 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 3 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,13,11844) (# 17852)
- residual design of 7-(26,13,15288) (# 17857)
- derived from supplementary of 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878)
- derived from 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 8-(28,14,16920) (# 17853)
- design 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,21840) (# 17867)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878) : der= 7-(26,13,11844) and res= 7-(26,14,21996) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,16920) (# 17853)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 8-(28,14,21840) (# 17867)
- design 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879) : der= 7-(26,13,15288) and res= 7-(26,14,28392) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854)
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868) : der= 8-(27,13,6552) and res= 8-(27,14,15288) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869) : der= 8-(27,13,6552) and res= 8-(27,14,15288) - the given design is the residual.
- design 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854)
- derived from 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,5076) (# 17854)
- residual design of 9-(28,14,6552) (# 17880)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 5 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,11,5076) (# 17858)
- derived from 6-(25,12,11844) (# 17859)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,11,6552) (# 17860)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,12,15288) (# 17861)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 6 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,11,5076) (# 17858)
- derived from 6-(25,11,6552) (# 17860)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 5 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,11,5076) (# 17858)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,12,11844) (# 17859)
- residual design of 6-(25,11,6552) (# 17860)
- derived from 6-(25,12,15288) (# 17861)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 4 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,12,11844) (# 17859)
- residual design of 6-(25,12,15288) (# 17861)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,13,21996) (# 17862)
- derived from 6-(25,13,28392) (# 17863)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 3 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,13,21996) (# 17862)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,13,28392) (# 17863)
- derived from 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 3 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,13,21996) (# 17862)
- residual design of 6-(25,13,28392) (# 17863)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883)
- derived from 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 7-(27,14,33840) (# 17864)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,14,43680) (# 17865)
- design 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883) : der= 6-(25,13,21996) and res= 6-(25,14,32994) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(27,14,33840) (# 17864)
- residual design of 7-(27,14,43680) (# 17865)
- supplementary design of 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878) with respect to smaller t
- design 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884) : der= 6-(25,13,28392) and res= 6-(25,14,42588) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866)
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 2 times derived, 4 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(27,14,11844) (# 17866)
- residual design of 8-(27,14,15288) (# 17869)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 8-(27,13,6552) (# 17868)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 6-(26,14,54990) (# 17876)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,14,70980) (# 17877)
- design 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,14,40326) (# 17885) : der= 5-(24,13,32994) and res= 5-(24,14,40326) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,14,54990) (# 17876)
- residual design of 6-(26,14,70980) (# 17877)
- supplementary design of 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,14,52052) (# 17886) : der= 5-(24,13,42588) and res= 5-(24,14,52052) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878)
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 2 times derived, 5 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(26,14,21996) (# 17878)
- residual design of 7-(26,14,28392) (# 17879)
- clan: 13-(32,16,423), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884)
- clan: 13-(32,16,546), 2 times derived, 6 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(25,14,32994) (# 17883)
- residual design of 6-(25,14,42588) (# 17884)
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- $ASL(3,3)$
- derived from 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890)
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905)
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from 8-(27,13,5148) (# 17887)
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,6480) (# 17898)
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,5148) (# 17887)
- design 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,12012) (# 17896) : der= 8-(27,13,5148) and res= 8-(27,14,12012) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905) with respect to smaller t
- red 9-(28,14,5148) ($\ge 1.6\times 10^{16}$ isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- Alltop construction for design 8-(27,13,5148) (# 17887)
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 1 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 8-(27,13,5148) (# 17887) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 8-(28,14,17160) (# 17889)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 7-(26,12,6480) (# 17892) : der= 7-(26,12,6480) and res= 7-(26,13,15120) - the given design is the derived.
- derived from 8-(28,14,21600) (# 17897)
- design 8-(27,13,6480) (# 17898) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 4 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 8-(27,13,5148) (# 17887)
- derived from 8-(27,13,6480) (# 17898)
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 1 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,12,5148) (# 17888) : der= 7-(26,11,1716) and res= 7-(26,12,5148) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 8-(28,14,17160) (# 17889)
- design 8-(27,14,12012) (# 17896) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,21600) (# 17897)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,15120) (# 17899) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,22308) (# 17903) : der= 7-(26,13,12012) and res= 7-(26,14,22308) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 8-(28,14,17160) (# 17889)
- supplementary design of 8-(27,14,12012) (# 17896) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 8-(28,14,21600) (# 17897)
- design 8-(27,14,15120) (# 17899) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(26,14,28080) (# 17904) : der= 7-(26,13,15120) and res= 7-(26,14,28080) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,429), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890)
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905)
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- supplementary design of 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 8-(27,13,6480) (# 17898)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 8-(27,13,6480) (# 17898) : der= 8-(27,13,6480) and res= 8-(27,14,15120) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 8-(27,14,15120) (# 17899) : der= 8-(27,13,6480) and res= 8-(27,14,15120) - the given design is the residual.
- design 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 3 times derived, 2 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890)
- derived from 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905)
- clan: 13-(32,16,540), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 9-(28,14,5148) (# 17890)
- residual design of 9-(28,14,6480) (# 17905)
created: Fri Oct 23 11:14:45 CEST 2009