t designs with small t, id ge 16600
# 16600: 5-(32,10,42642)
- clan: 9-(36,12,1545), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(33,10,8280) (# 16591)
- residual design of 6-(33,10,9270) (# 16594)
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- $ {\bf P\Gamma L(2,32)}^+ \geq 1300$ % -group 4 PGGL 2 32 Add_fixpoint PGGL_2_32+
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- design 7-(34,10,1425) (# 16601) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(33,10,8550) (# 16603) : der= 6-(33,9,1425) and res= 6-(33,10,8550) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of 7-(35,10,1596) (# 16606)
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 7-(34,10,1425) (# 16601)
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(34,10,1425) (# 16601) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(33,10,9000) (# 16605) : der= 6-(33,9,1500) and res= 6-(33,10,9000) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(35,10,1596) (# 16606)
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(34,10,1425) (# 16601)
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 7-(34,10,1425) (# 16601) : der= 7-(34,9,171) and res= 7-(34,10,1425) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- design 6-(34,10,9975) (# 16602) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(34,10,10500) (# 16604) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(33,10,47880) (# 16608) : der= 5-(33,9,9975) and res= 5-(33,10,47880) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of 6-(35,10,11571) (# 16611)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,12180) (# 16614)
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(34,10,9975) (# 16602)
- design 6-(33,10,8550) (# 16603) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(34,10,10500) (# 16604)
- supplementary design of 6-(33,10,9000) (# 16605) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(32,10,39330) (# 16612) : der= 5-(32,9,8550) and res= 5-(32,10,39330) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(34,10,9975) (# 16602) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(34,10,10500) (# 16604) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(33,10,50400) (# 16610) : der= 5-(33,9,10500) and res= 5-(33,10,50400) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,11571) (# 16611)
- residual design of 6-(35,10,12180) (# 16614)
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(34,10,9975) (# 16602)
- supplementary design of 6-(33,10,8550) (# 16603) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(34,10,10500) (# 16604)
- design 6-(33,10,9000) (# 16605) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(32,10,41400) (# 16613) : der= 5-(32,9,9000) and res= 5-(32,10,41400) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(34,10,9975) (# 16602) : der= 6-(34,9,1596) and res= 6-(34,10,9975) - the given design is the residual.
- design 7-(35,10,1596) (# 16606) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(33,10,8550) (# 16603)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(33,10,9000) (# 16605)
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 2 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(33,10,8550) (# 16603)
- residual design of 6-(33,10,9000) (# 16605)
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 2 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(34,10,10500) (# 16604) : der= 6-(34,9,1680) and res= 6-(34,10,10500) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 7-(35,10,1596) (# 16606) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 10-(37,12,171), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,57855) (# 16607) : der= 5-(34,9,11571) and res= 5-(34,10,57855) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(35,10,11571) (# 16611) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,12180) (# 16614) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 10-(37,12,180), 3 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,60900) (# 16609) : der= 5-(34,9,12180) and res= 5-(34,10,60900) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,11571) (# 16611) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(35,10,12180) (# 16614) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 10-(36,12,160), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- $ {\bf P\Gamma L(2,32)}^+ \geq 100$ % -group 4 PGGL 2 32 Add_fixpoint PGGL_2_32+
- clan: 10-(36,12,160), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(34,10,1440) (# 16617)
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 19 times derived, 1 times residual
- $ {\bf P\Gamma L(2,32)}^{+++} \geq 2000$
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 1 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 1 times residual
- design 7-(36,9,126) (# 16619) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,9,1134) (# 16621) : der= 6-(35,8,126) and res= 6-(35,9,1134) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 19 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 7-(36,9,126) (# 16619)
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 1 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 1 times residual
- supplementary design of 7-(36,9,126) (# 16619) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,8,280) (# 16623) : der= 6-(35,8,280) and res= 6-(35,9,2520) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,9,2520) (# 16624) : der= 6-(35,8,280) and res= 6-(35,9,2520) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 20 times derived, 1 times residual
- derived from supplementary of 7-(36,9,126) (# 16619)
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 19 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(36,9,126) (# 16619)
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 2 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 1 times residual
- design 6-(36,9,1260) (# 16620) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(36,9,2800) (# 16622) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,9,8505) (# 16626) : der= 5-(35,8,1260) and res= 5-(35,9,8505) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of 6-(37,9,1395) (# 16629)
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 1 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(36,9,1260) (# 16620)
- design 6-(35,9,1134) (# 16621) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,9,2800) (# 16622)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,9,2520) (# 16624) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,9,7371) (# 16630) : der= 5-(34,8,1134) and res= 5-(34,9,7371) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 2 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 1 times residual
- supplementary design of 6-(36,9,1260) (# 16620) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(36,9,2800) (# 16622) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,9,18900) (# 16628) : der= 5-(35,8,2800) and res= 5-(35,9,18900) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(37,9,1395) (# 16629)
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 1 times reduced t, 19 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,9,1260) (# 16620)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,9,1134) (# 16621) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(36,9,2800) (# 16622)
- design 6-(35,9,2520) (# 16624) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,9,16380) (# 16631) : der= 5-(34,8,2520) and res= 5-(34,9,16380) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 2 times reduced t, 19 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(36,9,1260) (# 16620) : der= 6-(36,8,135) and res= 6-(36,9,1260) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 19 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,9,1134) (# 16621)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,9,2520) (# 16624)
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 19 times derived, 3 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,9,1134) (# 16621)
- residual design of 6-(35,9,2520) (# 16624)
- clan: 27-(56,28,9), 3 times reduced t, 19 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(36,9,9765) (# 16625) : der= 5-(36,8,1395) and res= 5-(36,9,9765) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(37,9,1395) (# 16629) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 27-(56,28,20), 3 times reduced t, 19 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(36,9,21700) (# 16627) : der= 5-(36,8,3100) and res= 5-(36,9,21700) - the given design is the residual.
- supplementary design of 6-(37,9,1395) (# 16629) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times derived
- $Sp(6,2)_36$ (many isomorphism types)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636) : der= 6-(35,10,10080) and res= 6-(35,11,50400) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637) : der= 6-(35,10,10080) and res= 6-(35,11,50400) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 2 times derived
- derived from 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639) : der= 6-(35,10,13671) and res= 6-(35,11,68355) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640) : der= 6-(35,10,13671) and res= 6-(35,11,68355) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(36,11,10080) (# 16634)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,60480) (# 16642) : der= 5-(35,10,60480) and res= 5-(35,11,252000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,252000) (# 16643) : der= 5-(35,10,60480) and res= 5-(35,11,252000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635)
- design 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,10080) (# 16647) : der= 5-(34,9,10080) and res= 5-(34,10,50400) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,50400) (# 16648) : der= 5-(34,9,10080) and res= 5-(34,10,50400) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635)
- design 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,50400) (# 16648) : der= 5-(34,10,50400) and res= 5-(34,11,201600) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,201600) (# 16651) : der= 5-(34,10,50400) and res= 5-(34,11,201600) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,82026) (# 16645) : der= 5-(35,10,82026) and res= 5-(35,11,341775) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,341775) (# 16646) : der= 5-(35,10,82026) and res= 5-(35,11,341775) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638)
- design 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,13671) (# 16649) : der= 5-(34,9,13671) and res= 5-(34,10,68355) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,68355) (# 16650) : der= 5-(34,9,13671) and res= 5-(34,10,68355) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,60480) (# 16635)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(36,11,82026) (# 16638)
- design 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,68355) (# 16650) : der= 5-(34,10,68355) and res= 5-(34,11,273420) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,273420) (# 16652) : der= 5-(34,10,68355) and res= 5-(34,11,273420) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 3 times derived
- derived from 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636)
- derived from 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 3 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636)
- derived from 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,10080) (# 16636)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637)
- residual design of 6-(35,10,13671) (# 16639)
- derived from 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10080), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13671), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,50400) (# 16637)
- residual design of 6-(35,11,68355) (# 16640)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times derived
- $Sp(6,2)_36$ (many isomorphism types)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655) : der= 6-(35,10,10311) and res= 6-(35,11,51555) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656) : der= 6-(35,10,10311) and res= 6-(35,11,51555) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 2 times derived
- derived from 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658) : der= 6-(35,10,13440) and res= 6-(35,11,67200) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659) : der= 6-(35,10,13440) and res= 6-(35,11,67200) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(36,11,10311) (# 16653)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,61866) (# 16661) : der= 5-(35,10,61866) and res= 5-(35,11,257775) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,257775) (# 16662) : der= 5-(35,10,61866) and res= 5-(35,11,257775) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654)
- design 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,10311) (# 16666) : der= 5-(34,9,10311) and res= 5-(34,10,51555) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,51555) (# 16667) : der= 5-(34,9,10311) and res= 5-(34,10,51555) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654)
- design 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,51555) (# 16667) : der= 5-(34,10,51555) and res= 5-(34,11,206220) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,206220) (# 16670) : der= 5-(34,10,51555) and res= 5-(34,11,206220) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,80640) (# 16664) : der= 5-(35,10,80640) and res= 5-(35,11,336000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,336000) (# 16665) : der= 5-(35,10,80640) and res= 5-(35,11,336000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657)
- design 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,13440) (# 16668) : der= 5-(34,9,13440) and res= 5-(34,10,67200) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,67200) (# 16669) : der= 5-(34,9,13440) and res= 5-(34,10,67200) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,61866) (# 16654)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(36,11,80640) (# 16657)
- design 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,67200) (# 16669) : der= 5-(34,10,67200) and res= 5-(34,11,268800) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,268800) (# 16671) : der= 5-(34,10,67200) and res= 5-(34,11,268800) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 3 times derived
- derived from 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655)
- derived from 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 3 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655)
- derived from 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,10311) (# 16655)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656)
- residual design of 6-(35,10,13440) (# 16658)
- derived from 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10311), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13440), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,51555) (# 16656)
- residual design of 6-(35,11,67200) (# 16659)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times derived
- $Sp(6,2)_36$ (many isomorphism types)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674) : der= 6-(35,10,10416) and res= 6-(35,11,52080) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675) : der= 6-(35,10,10416) and res= 6-(35,11,52080) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 2 times derived
- derived from 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677) : der= 6-(35,10,13335) and res= 6-(35,11,66675) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678) : der= 6-(35,10,13335) and res= 6-(35,11,66675) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(36,11,10416) (# 16672)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,62496) (# 16680) : der= 5-(35,10,62496) and res= 5-(35,11,260400) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,260400) (# 16681) : der= 5-(35,10,62496) and res= 5-(35,11,260400) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673)
- design 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,10416) (# 16685) : der= 5-(34,9,10416) and res= 5-(34,10,52080) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,52080) (# 16686) : der= 5-(34,9,10416) and res= 5-(34,10,52080) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673)
- design 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,52080) (# 16686) : der= 5-(34,10,52080) and res= 5-(34,11,208320) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,208320) (# 16689) : der= 5-(34,10,52080) and res= 5-(34,11,208320) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673) with respect to smaller t
- design 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,80010) (# 16683) : der= 5-(35,10,80010) and res= 5-(35,11,333375) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,333375) (# 16684) : der= 5-(35,10,80010) and res= 5-(35,11,333375) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676)
- design 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,13335) (# 16687) : der= 5-(34,9,13335) and res= 5-(34,10,66675) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,66675) (# 16688) : der= 5-(34,9,13335) and res= 5-(34,10,66675) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(36,11,62496) (# 16673)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(36,11,80010) (# 16676)
- design 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,10,66675) (# 16688) : der= 5-(34,10,66675) and res= 5-(34,11,266700) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,11,266700) (# 16690) : der= 5-(34,10,66675) and res= 5-(34,11,266700) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 3 times derived
- derived from 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674)
- derived from 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 3 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674)
- derived from 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,10,10416) (# 16674)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675)
- residual design of 6-(35,10,13335) (# 16677)
- derived from 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10416), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678)
- clan: 8-(37,12,13335), 1 times derived, 2 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(35,11,52080) (# 16675)
- residual design of 6-(35,11,66675) (# 16678)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 1 times derived
- $Sp(6,2)_36$ (many isomorphism types)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,10815) (# 16693) : der= 6-(35,10,10815) and res= 6-(35,11,54075) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,54075) (# 16694) : der= 6-(35,10,10815) and res= 6-(35,11,54075) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 2 times derived
- derived from 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691)
- clan: 8-(37,12,12936), 1 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- supplementary design of 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 6-(35,10,12936) (# 16696) : der= 6-(35,10,12936) and res= 6-(35,11,64680) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 6-(35,11,64680) (# 16697) : der= 6-(35,10,12936) and res= 6-(35,11,64680) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,12936), 2 times derived
- derived from supplementary of 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691)
- clan: 8-(37,12,12936), 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- residual design of supplementary of 7-(36,11,10815) (# 16691)
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 2 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- design 6-(36,11,64890) (# 16692) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(36,11,77616) (# 16695) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(35,10,64890) (# 16699) : der= 5-(35,10,64890) and res= 5-(35,11,270375) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(35,11,270375) (# 16700) : der= 5-(35,10,64890) and res= 5-(35,11,270375) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 8-(37,12,10815), 1 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- derived from 6-(36,11,64890) (# 16692)
- design 6-(35,10,10815) (# 16693) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(36,11,77616) (# 16695)
- supplementary design of 6-(35,10,12936) (# 16696) with respect to smaller t
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(34,9,10815) (# 16704) : der= 5-(34,9,10815) and res= 5-(34,10,54075) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(34,10,54075) (# 16705) : der= 5-(34,9,10815) and res= 5-(34,10,54075) - the given design is the residual.
created: Fri Oct 23 11:14:21 CEST 2009