t designs with small t, id ge 6600
# 6600: 5-(24,9,150)
- clan: 11-(30,15,150), 6 times derived
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 11-(30,15,150), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,150) (# 6600) : der= 5-(24,9,150) and res= 5-(24,10,450) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $M_{11,12}\times id_2$
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1500) (# 6602) : der= 5-(24,8,375) and res= 5-(24,9,1500) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(26,10,1875) (# 10521)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2970) (# 14130)
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1500) (# 6602) : der= 5-(24,9,1500) and res= 5-(24,10,4500) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(26,10,1875) (# 10521)
- derived from 6-(26,11,6000) (# 14128)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2970) (# 14130)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9504) (# 14131)
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1875) (# 6603) : der= 5-(25,9,1875) and res= 5-(25,10,6000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6000) (# 6604) : der= 5-(25,9,1875) and res= 5-(25,10,6000) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(26,10,1875) (# 10521) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(27,11,7875) (# 14127)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,12474) (# 14129)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2970) (# 14130) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 2 times reduced t, 5 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,10,6000) (# 6604) : der= 5-(25,10,6000) and res= 5-(25,11,15000) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(27,11,7875) (# 14127)
- design 6-(26,11,6000) (# 14128) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(27,11,12474) (# 14129)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,11,9504) (# 14131) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 3 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,10,7875) (# 6605) : der= 5-(26,10,7875) and res= 5-(26,11,21000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,11,21000) (# 6606) : der= 5-(26,10,7875) and res= 5-(26,11,21000) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(27,11,7875) (# 14127) with respect to smaller t
- supplementary design of 6-(27,11,12474) (# 14129) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 3 times reduced t, 4 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,11,21000) (# 6606) : der= 5-(26,11,21000) and res= 5-(26,12,45000) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 4 times reduced t, 4 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,11,28875) (# 6607) : der= 5-(27,11,28875) and res= 5-(27,12,66000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(27,12,66000) (# 6608) : der= 5-(27,11,28875) and res= 5-(27,12,66000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 4 times reduced t, 3 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,12,66000) (# 6608) : der= 5-(27,12,66000) and res= 5-(27,13,123750) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 5 times reduced t, 3 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,12,94875) (# 6609) : der= 5-(28,12,94875) and res= 5-(28,13,189750) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(28,13,189750) (# 6610) : der= 5-(28,12,94875) and res= 5-(28,13,189750) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 5 times reduced t, 2 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,189750) (# 6610) : der= 5-(28,13,189750) and res= 5-(28,14,316250) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 6 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(29,13,284625) (# 6611) : der= 5-(29,13,284625) and res= 5-(29,14,506000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(29,14,506000) (# 6612) : der= 5-(29,13,284625) and res= 5-(29,14,506000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 6 times reduced t, 1 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(29,14,506000) (# 6612)
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 7 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(30,14,790625) (# 6613) : der= 5-(30,14,790625) and res= 5-(30,15,1265000) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(30,15,1265000) (# 6614) : der= 5-(30,14,790625) and res= 5-(30,15,1265000) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,375), 8 times reduced t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(31,15,2055625) (# 6615)
- clan: 11-(30,15,1506), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1506), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1506) (# 6617) : der= 5-(24,9,1506) and res= 5-(24,10,4518) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,378), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 13-(32,16,378), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1512) (# 6619) : der= 5-(24,8,378) and res= 5-(24,9,1512) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(26,10,1890) (# 14149)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2955) (# 14152)
- clan: 13-(32,16,378), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1512) (# 6619) : der= 5-(24,9,1512) and res= 5-(24,10,4536) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(26,10,1890) (# 14149)
- derived from 6-(26,11,6048) (# 14150)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2955) (# 14152)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9456) (# 14153)
- clan: 13-(32,16,378), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1890) (# 6620) : der= 5-(25,9,1890) and res= 5-(25,10,6048) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6048) (# 6621) : der= 5-(25,9,1890) and res= 5-(25,10,6048) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(27,11,7938) (# 14148)
- design 6-(26,10,1890) (# 14149) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,12411) (# 14151)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2955) (# 14152) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 6 times derived
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1518) (# 6623) : der= 5-(24,9,1518) and res= 5-(24,10,4554) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 2 times reduced t, 4 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,10,6072) (# 6624) : der= 5-(25,10,6072) and res= 5-(25,11,15180) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 3 times reduced t, 3 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,11,21252) (# 6625) : der= 5-(26,11,21252) and res= 5-(26,12,45540) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 4 times reduced t, 2 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(27,12,66792) (# 6626) : der= 5-(27,12,66792) and res= 5-(27,13,125235) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 5 times reduced t, 1 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(28,13,192027) (# 6627) : der= 5-(28,13,192027) and res= 5-(28,14,320045) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1518), 6 times reduced t
- Tran van Trung construction with complementary design for 5-(29,14,512072) (# 6628)
- clan: 13-(32,16,381), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,381), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1524) (# 6630) : der= 5-(24,8,381) and res= 5-(24,9,1524) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,381), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1524) (# 6630) : der= 5-(24,9,1524) and res= 5-(24,10,4572) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,381), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1905) (# 6631) : der= 5-(25,9,1905) and res= 5-(25,10,6096) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6096) (# 6632) : der= 5-(25,9,1905) and res= 5-(25,10,6096) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1530), 6 times derived
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 11-(30,15,1530), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1530) (# 6634) : der= 5-(24,9,1530) and res= 5-(24,10,4590) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- residual design of 6-(25,9,384) (# 10452)
- derived from 6-(25,10,1536) (# 13605)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(25,10,2340) (# 13608)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1536) (# 6636) : der= 5-(24,8,384) and res= 5-(24,9,1536) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(25,9,384) (# 10452) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(26,10,1920) (# 13614)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2925) (# 14165)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1536) (# 6636) : der= 5-(24,9,1536) and res= 5-(24,10,4608) - the given design is the derived.
- derived from 6-(26,11,6144) (# 13604)
- design 6-(25,10,1536) (# 13605) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9360) (# 13607)
- supplementary design of 6-(25,10,2340) (# 13608) with respect to smaller t
- residual design of 6-(26,10,1920) (# 13614)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2925) (# 14165)
- clan: 13-(32,16,384), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1920) (# 6637) : der= 5-(25,9,1920) and res= 5-(25,10,6144) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6144) (# 6638) : der= 5-(25,9,1920) and res= 5-(25,10,6144) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(27,11,8064) (# 10717)
- design 6-(26,10,1920) (# 13614) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,12285) (# 14164)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2925) (# 14165) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 11-(30,15,1542), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1542), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1542) (# 6640) : der= 5-(24,9,1542) and res= 5-(24,10,4626) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,387), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,387), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1548) (# 6642) : der= 5-(24,8,387) and res= 5-(24,9,1548) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,387), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1548) (# 6642) : der= 5-(24,9,1548) and res= 5-(24,10,4644) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,387), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1935) (# 6643) : der= 5-(25,9,1935) and res= 5-(25,10,6192) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6192) (# 6644) : der= 5-(25,9,1935) and res= 5-(25,10,6192) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1554), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1554), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1554) (# 6646) : der= 5-(24,9,1554) and res= 5-(24,10,4662) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,39), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,39), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,156) (# 6648) : der= 5-(24,8,39) and res= 5-(24,9,156) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,39), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,156) (# 6648) : der= 5-(24,9,156) and res= 5-(24,10,468) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,39), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,195) (# 6649) : der= 5-(25,9,195) and res= 5-(25,10,624) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,624) (# 6650) : der= 5-(25,9,195) and res= 5-(25,10,624) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,390), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,390), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1560) (# 6652) : der= 5-(24,8,390) and res= 5-(24,9,1560) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,390), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1560) (# 6652) : der= 5-(24,9,1560) and res= 5-(24,10,4680) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,390), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1950) (# 6653) : der= 5-(25,9,1950) and res= 5-(25,10,6240) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6240) (# 6654) : der= 5-(25,9,1950) and res= 5-(25,10,6240) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1566), 6 times derived
- $M_{11,12}\times id_2$
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1566), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1566) (# 6656) : der= 5-(24,9,1566) and res= 5-(24,10,4698) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,393), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 13-(32,16,393), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1572) (# 6658) : der= 5-(24,8,393) and res= 5-(24,9,1572) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 13-(32,16,393), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1572) (# 6658) : der= 5-(24,9,1572) and res= 5-(24,10,4716) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,393), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1965) (# 6659) : der= 5-(25,9,1965) and res= 5-(25,10,6288) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6288) (# 6660) : der= 5-(25,9,1965) and res= 5-(25,10,6288) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1578), 6 times derived
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 11-(30,15,1578), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1578) (# 6662) : der= 5-(24,9,1578) and res= 5-(24,10,4734) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,396), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,396), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1584) (# 6664) : der= 5-(24,8,396) and res= 5-(24,9,1584) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(26,10,1980) (# 14167)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2865) (# 14170)
- clan: 13-(32,16,396), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1584) (# 6664) : der= 5-(24,9,1584) and res= 5-(24,10,4752) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(26,10,1980) (# 14167)
- derived from 6-(26,11,6336) (# 14168)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2865) (# 14170)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9168) (# 14171)
- clan: 13-(32,16,396), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1980) (# 6665) : der= 5-(25,9,1980) and res= 5-(25,10,6336) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6336) (# 6666) : der= 5-(25,9,1980) and res= 5-(25,10,6336) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(27,11,8316) (# 10723)
- design 6-(26,10,1980) (# 14167) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,12033) (# 14169)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2865) (# 14170) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 11-(30,15,1590), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1590), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1590) (# 6668) : der= 5-(24,9,1590) and res= 5-(24,10,4770) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 15-(32,16,7), 2 times reduced t, 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(23,8,336) (# 9848) : der= 5-(23,8,336) and res= 5-(23,9,1260) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 15-(32,16,7), 3 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1596) (# 6670) : der= 5-(24,8,399) and res= 5-(24,9,1596) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 15-(32,16,7), 3 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1596) (# 6670) : der= 5-(24,9,1596) and res= 5-(24,10,4788) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 15-(32,16,7), 4 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,1995) (# 6671) : der= 5-(25,9,1995) and res= 5-(25,10,6384) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6384) (# 6672) : der= 5-(25,9,1995) and res= 5-(25,10,6384) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 11-(30,15,1602), 6 times derived
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 11-(30,15,1602), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1602) (# 6674) : der= 5-(24,9,1602) and res= 5-(24,10,4806) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,402), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 13-(32,16,402), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1608) (# 6676) : der= 5-(24,8,402) and res= 5-(24,9,1608) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(26,10,2010) (# 14189)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2835) (# 14192)
- clan: 13-(32,16,402), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1608) (# 6676) : der= 5-(24,9,1608) and res= 5-(24,10,4824) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(26,10,2010) (# 14189)
- derived from 6-(26,11,6432) (# 14190)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2835) (# 14192)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9072) (# 14193)
- clan: 13-(32,16,402), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,2010) (# 6677) : der= 5-(25,9,2010) and res= 5-(25,10,6432) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6432) (# 6678) : der= 5-(25,9,2010) and res= 5-(25,10,6432) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(27,11,8442) (# 14188)
- design 6-(26,10,2010) (# 14189) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,11907) (# 14191)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2835) (# 14192) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 11-(30,15,1614), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1614), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1614) (# 6680) : der= 5-(24,9,1614) and res= 5-(24,10,4842) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 11-(30,15,162), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,162), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,162) (# 6682) : der= 5-(24,9,162) and res= 5-(24,10,486) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 13-(32,16,405), 7 times derived, 1 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- residual design of 6-(25,9,405) (# 10455)
- clan: 13-(32,16,405), 1 times reduced t, 7 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1620) (# 6684) : der= 5-(24,8,405) and res= 5-(24,9,1620) - the given design is the residual.
- design 6-(25,9,405) (# 10455) with respect to smaller t
- derived from 6-(26,10,2025) (# 14203)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,10,2820) (# 14206)
- clan: 13-(32,16,405), 1 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1620) (# 6684) : der= 5-(24,9,1620) and res= 5-(24,10,4860) - the given design is the derived.
- residual design of 6-(26,10,2025) (# 14203)
- derived from 6-(26,11,6480) (# 14204)
- residual design of supplementary of 6-(26,10,2820) (# 14206)
- derived from supplementary of 6-(26,11,9024) (# 14207)
- clan: 13-(32,16,405), 2 times reduced t, 6 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,2025) (# 6685) : der= 5-(25,9,2025) and res= 5-(25,10,6480) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6480) (# 6686) : der= 5-(25,9,2025) and res= 5-(25,10,6480) - the given design is the residual.
- derived from 6-(27,11,8505) (# 10727)
- design 6-(26,10,2025) (# 14203) with respect to smaller t
- derived from supplementary of 6-(27,11,11844) (# 14205)
- supplementary design of 6-(26,10,2820) (# 14206) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 11-(30,15,1626), 6 times derived
- $ {\bf PSL(2,23)} \geq 1$ % -group 3 PSL 2 23 PSL_2_23
- clan: 11-(30,15,1626), 1 times reduced t, 5 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1626) (# 6688) : der= 5-(24,9,1626) and res= 5-(24,10,4878) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 9 times derived, 3 times residual
- $PGL(2,23)$ (>1 isomorphism types)
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 1 times reduced t, 9 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(24,9,1632) (# 6690) : der= 5-(24,8,408) and res= 5-(24,9,1632) - the given design is the residual.
- residual design of 6-(26,9,480) (# 10585)
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 1 times reduced t, 8 times derived, 3 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(24,9,1632) (# 6690) : der= 5-(24,9,1632) and res= 5-(24,10,4896) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 2 times reduced t, 9 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,9,2040) (# 6691) : der= 5-(25,8,480) and res= 5-(25,9,2040) - the given design is the residual.
- $PGL(2,25)$
- design 6-(26,9,480) (# 10585) with respect to smaller t
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 2 times reduced t, 8 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,9,2040) (# 6691) : der= 5-(25,9,2040) and res= 5-(25,10,6528) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(25,10,6528) (# 6692) : der= 5-(25,9,2040) and res= 5-(25,10,6528) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 2 times reduced t, 7 times derived, 3 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(25,10,6528) (# 6692) : der= 5-(25,10,6528) and res= 5-(25,11,16320) - the given design is the derived.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 3 times reduced t, 9 times derived
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,9,2520) (# 6693) : der= 5-(26,8,560) and res= 5-(26,9,2520) - the given design is the residual.
- $PGL(2,25)+$
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 3 times reduced t, 8 times derived, 1 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,9,2520) (# 6693) : der= 5-(26,9,2520) and res= 5-(26,10,8568) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,10,8568) (# 6694) : der= 5-(26,9,2520) and res= 5-(26,10,8568) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 3 times reduced t, 7 times derived, 2 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,10,8568) (# 6694) : der= 5-(26,10,8568) and res= 5-(26,11,22848) - the given design is the derived.
- Tran van Trung construction (left) for 5-(26,11,22848) (# 6695) : der= 5-(26,10,8568) and res= 5-(26,11,22848) - the given design is the residual.
- clan: 17-(36,18,8), 3 times reduced t, 6 times derived, 3 times residual
- Tran van Trung construction (right) for 5-(26,11,22848) (# 6695) : der= 5-(26,11,22848) and res= 5-(26,12,48960) - the given design is the derived.
created: Fri Oct 23 11:10:21 CEST 2009